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2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - The Pledge of Allegiance will be led by the Missouri City Police Department Honor Guard.
3. PRESENTATIONS AND RECOGNITIONS - There are no Presentations and Recognitions on this agenda.
4. PUBLIC COMMENTS - An opportunity for the public to address Council on agenda items or concerns not on the agenda.
5. STAFF REPORTS - There are no Staff Reports on this agenda.
6. CONSENT AGENDA - All consent agenda items listed are considered routine by the City Council and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Councilmember so requests; in which event, the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in its normal sequence on the agenda. Information concerning consent agenda items is available for public review.
(a) Consider approving the minutes of the special and regular City Council meetings of July 18, 2011.
(b) Consider rejecting all proposals for traffic management software.
(c) Consider approval of Amendment No. 1 to a contract between the City of Missouri City and the Texas Water Development Board.
(d) Consider authorizing the purchase of emergency vehicle equipment.
(a) Zoning Public Hearings and Ordinances - There are no Zoning Public Hearings on this agenda.
(b) Public Hearings and related actions - There are no Public Hearings and related actions on this agenda.
(a) Consider appointing members to the TIRZ #1, TIRZ #2, and TIRZ #3 Boards.
(a) Consider authorizing the execution of wrecker service agreements for certain police-initiated non-consent tows.
(b) Consider authorizing the execution of a subrecipient agreement with Fort Bend CORPS for housing rehabilitation services.
(a) Consider a resolution of the City Council of the City of Missouri City, Texas, amending a resolution adopted on February 7, 2005, R-05-05, relating to Fort Bend County Municipal Utility District No. 46; amending and restating the terms and conditions of such consent resolution to allow Fort Bend County Municipal Utility District No. 46 to issue bonds for parks and recreational facilities; providing for repeal; and providing for severability.
(b) Consider a resolution of the City Council of the City of Missouri City, Texas, approving and adopting a schedule of rates and fees for City Residential Solid Waste and Recyclable Material Service and other associated fees in the City of Missouri City; and providing for repeal.
(c) Consider a resolution of the City Council of the City of Missouri City, Texas, authorizing an Advance Funding Agreement with the Texas Department of Transportation for the construction of Trammel Fresno Road from Vicksburg Boulevard to Fort Bend Parkway and for the construction of Hurricane Lane from Trammel Fresno Road to Senior Road.
(d) Consider a resolution of the City Council of the City of Missouri City, Texas, adopting the 2011-2012 City of Missouri City Economic Development Plan Update.
(a) Consider an ordinance of the City of Missouri City, Texas, amending Chapter 78, Solid Waste, of the Missouri City Code; amending the rules and regulations related to City Residential Solid Waste Service; providing a penalty; providing for repeal; providing for severability; and to consider the ordinance on the second and final reading.
(b) Consider an ordinance of the City of Missouri City, Texas, amending Chapter 62, Municipal Court, of the Missouri City code; providing rules and regulations for the establishment of the Division of Municipal Court and of the position of Divisional Director of Municipal Court; repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith; and providing for severability; and to consider the ordinance on the first of two readings.
13. CLOSED EXECUTIVE SESSION The City Council may go into Executive Session regarding any item posted on the Agenda as authorized by Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code. Notice is hereby given that the City Council may go into Executive Session in accordance with the following provision of the Government Code: Texas Government Code, Section 551.074 - Personnel matters regarding the evaluation, employment, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or employee: city secretary.
14. RECONVENE into Regular Session and Consider Action, if any, on items discussed in Executive Session.
Aug 02, 2011 City Council 8/1/2011
Full agenda
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Full agenda
2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - The Pledge of Allegiance will be led by the Missouri City Police Department Honor Guard.
3. PRESENTATIONS AND RECOGNITIONS - There are no Presentations and Recognitions on this agenda.
4. PUBLIC COMMENTS - An opportunity for the public to address Council on agenda items or concerns not on the agenda.
5. STAFF REPORTS - There are no Staff Reports on this agenda.
6. CONSENT AGENDA - All consent agenda items listed are considered routine by the City Council and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Councilmember so requests; in which event, the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in its normal sequence on the agenda. Information concerning consent agenda items is available for public review.
(a) Consider approving the minutes of the special and regular City Council meetings of July 18, 2011.
(b) Consider rejecting all proposals for traffic management software.
(c) Consider approval of Amendment No. 1 to a contract between the City of Missouri City and the Texas Water Development Board.
(d) Consider authorizing the purchase of emergency vehicle equipment.
(a) Zoning Public Hearings and Ordinances - There are no Zoning Public Hearings on this agenda.
(b) Public Hearings and related actions - There are no Public Hearings and related actions on this agenda.
(a) Consider appointing members to the TIRZ #1, TIRZ #2, and TIRZ #3 Boards.
(a) Consider authorizing the execution of wrecker service agreements for certain police-initiated non-consent tows.
(b) Consider authorizing the execution of a subrecipient agreement with Fort Bend CORPS for housing rehabilitation services.
(a) Consider a resolution of the City Council of the City of Missouri City, Texas, amending a resolution adopted on February 7, 2005, R-05-05, relating to Fort Bend County Municipal Utility District No. 46; amending and restating the terms and conditions of such consent resolution to allow Fort Bend County Municipal Utility District No. 46 to issue bonds for parks and recreational facilities; providing for repeal; and providing for severability.
(b) Consider a resolution of the City Council of the City of Missouri City, Texas, approving and adopting a schedule of rates and fees for City Residential Solid Waste and Recyclable Material Service and other associated fees in the City of Missouri City; and providing for repeal.
(c) Consider a resolution of the City Council of the City of Missouri City, Texas, authorizing an Advance Funding Agreement with the Texas Department of Transportation for the construction of Trammel Fresno Road from Vicksburg Boulevard to Fort Bend Parkway and for the construction of Hurricane Lane from Trammel Fresno Road to Senior Road.
(d) Consider a resolution of the City Council of the City of Missouri City, Texas, adopting the 2011-2012 City of Missouri City Economic Development Plan Update.
(a) Consider an ordinance of the City of Missouri City, Texas, amending Chapter 78, Solid Waste, of the Missouri City Code; amending the rules and regulations related to City Residential Solid Waste Service; providing a penalty; providing for repeal; providing for severability; and to consider the ordinance on the second and final reading.
(b) Consider an ordinance of the City of Missouri City, Texas, amending Chapter 62, Municipal Court, of the Missouri City code; providing rules and regulations for the establishment of the Division of Municipal Court and of the position of Divisional Director of Municipal Court; repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith; and providing for severability; and to consider the ordinance on the first of two readings.
13. CLOSED EXECUTIVE SESSION The City Council may go into Executive Session regarding any item posted on the Agenda as authorized by Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code. Notice is hereby given that the City Council may go into Executive Session in accordance with the following provision of the Government Code: Texas Government Code, Section 551.074 - Personnel matters regarding the evaluation, employment, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or employee: city secretary.
14. RECONVENE into Regular Session and Consider Action, if any, on items discussed in Executive Session.
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